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Notes on Catalyst, an MVC web framework for perl.


Other people's instructions

On Dreamhost with perlbrew

Here, I am using perlbrew instead of the typical instructions, and hope to bypass the whole local::lib thing.

Presume that myperl is a perlbrew environment that's already been set up and that its executable is at


Install modules with cpanm:

perlbrew use myperl
cpanm Catalyst::Runtime Catalyst::Devel

Version check

Run the following, which always fails:

perl -M"Catalyst 999"

If the failure is about a version number, the install worked (and the error displays the version number). Otherwise, there was a problem.


Instructions and tutorials refer to the bootstrap script This is installed in the bin dir of the perlbrew environment:


To make this less of a mouthful, make this accessible from your path. In this example, I'll qualify it with the name of the perlbrew env in case I want to set this up for multiple sites; anytime the doc says "" I'll substitute "".

ln -s /home/someuser/perl5/perlbrew/perls/myperl/bin/ ~/bin/

Test on a site

Here, is a domain that has been set up with FastCGI enabled.

Save the following script, modify the variables SITENAME, CATALYST, PERLENV, and PARENT as necessary, and run. This script will:

  • Go to the root specified by $PARENT
  • Create a new, empty site named $SITENAME at $PARENT/$SITENAME
  • Create and chmod $PARENT/$SITENAME/script/dispatch.fcgi to automatically run the generated FastCGI script
    • The reason for this naming is discussed in the Dreamhost wiki.
    • This part is skipped if has not generated the expected * file.
  • Replace all instances of "/usr/bin/env perl" with the path of the specified perlbrew perl
  • Run perl Makefile.PL, as suggested by to "make sure your install is complete"

# Load perlbrew env
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc


myperl="`perlbrew use "$PERLENV" && which perl`"

perlbrew use "$PERLENV" &&
cd "$PARENT" &&
cd "$SITENAME" &&
    cd script &&
    for fcs in *; do
        cat > dispatch.fcgi <<EOF &&
#!/usr/bin/env perl
do '$fcs';
        chmod 755 dispatch.fcgi
) &&
# This part corrects all the "/usr/bin/env perl" shebangs with the perlbrew perl
find -type f -exec perl -p -i -e "s!/usr/bin/env perl!$myperl!g" {} \; &&
# "make sure your install is complete"
perl Makefile.PL

After this, visiting the page

(note the trailing slash) results in a default welcome screen. (If the result is a 500, something wasn't set up correctly.)