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PowerShell prebuild and postbuild script for Visual Studio projects

Tested with VS2015.


  • Add a new file buildevents.ps1 at the top level of the project.
  • Copy the text below into the new file and save.
  • In the project properties, change the Pre-build and Post-build commands to the commands suggested at the comments at the top of the file.
  • Modify the script in the "TODO"-marked areas to add pre-build commands, post-build commands, and commands common to all runs.


# For Prebuild command, use:
#   powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass "&'$(ProjectDir)buildevents.ps1'" -Function Prebuild -ConfigurationName '$(ConfigurationName)' -OutDir '$(OutDir)' -DevEnvDir '$(DevEnvDir)' -PlatformName '$(PlatformName)' -ProjectDir '$(ProjectDir)' -ProjectPath '$(ProjectPath)' -ProjectName '$(ProjectName)' -ProjectFileName '$(ProjectFileName)' -ProjectExt '$(ProjectExt)' -SolutionDir '$(SolutionDir)' -SolutionPath '$(SolutionPath)' -SolutionName '$(SolutionName)' -SolutionFileName '$(SolutionFileName)' -SolutionExt '$(SolutionExt)' -TargetDir '$(TargetDir)' -TargetPath '$(TargetPath)' -TargetName '$(TargetName)' -TargetFileName '$(TargetFileName)' -TargetExt '$(TargetExt)'

# For Postbuild command, use:
#   powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass "&'$(ProjectDir)buildevents.ps1'" -Function Postbuild -ConfigurationName '$(ConfigurationName)' -OutDir '$(OutDir)' -DevEnvDir '$(DevEnvDir)' -PlatformName '$(PlatformName)' -ProjectDir '$(ProjectDir)' -ProjectPath '$(ProjectPath)' -ProjectName '$(ProjectName)' -ProjectFileName '$(ProjectFileName)' -ProjectExt '$(ProjectExt)' -SolutionDir '$(SolutionDir)' -SolutionPath '$(SolutionPath)' -SolutionName '$(SolutionName)' -SolutionFileName '$(SolutionFileName)' -SolutionExt '$(SolutionExt)' -TargetDir '$(TargetDir)' -TargetPath '$(TargetPath)' -TargetName '$(TargetName)' -TargetFileName '$(TargetFileName)' -TargetExt '$(TargetExt)'

param (
    [string]$ConfigurationName, # The name of the current project configuration, for example, "Debug".
    [string]$OutDir, # Path to the output file directory, relative to the project directory. This resolves to the value for the Output Directory property. It includes the trailing backslash '\'.
    [string]$DevEnvDir, # The installation directory of Visual Studio (defined with drive and path); includes the trailing backslash '\'.
    [string]$PlatformName, # The name of the currently targeted platform. For example, "AnyCPU".
    [string]$ProjectDir, # The directory of the project (defined with drive and path); includes the trailing backslash '\'.
    [string]$ProjectPath, # The absolute path name of the project (defined with drive, path, base name, and file extension).
    [string]$ProjectName, # The base name of the project.
    [string]$ProjectFileName, # The file name of the project (defined with base name and file extension).
    [string]$ProjectExt, # The file extension of the project. It includes the '.' before the file extension.
    [string]$SolutionDir, # The directory of the solution (defined with drive and path); includes the trailing backslash '\'.
    [string]$SolutionPath, # The absolute path name of the solution (defined with drive, path, base name, and file extension).
    [string]$SolutionName, # The base name of the solution.
    [string]$SolutionFileName, # The file name of the solution (defined with base name and file extension).
    [string]$SolutionExt, # The file extension of the solution. It includes the '.' before the file extension.
    [string]$TargetDir, # The directory of the primary output file for the build (defined with drive and path). It includes the trailing backslash '\'.
    [string]$TargetPath, # The absolute path name of the primary output file for the build (defined with drive, path, base name, and file extension).
    [string]$TargetName, # The base name of the primary output file for the build.
    [string]$TargetFileName, # The file name of the primary output file for the build (defined as base name and file extension).
    [string]$TargetExt, # The file extension of the primary output file for the build. It includes the '.' before the file extension.

    [string]$Function # Name of the function to run

# TODO Add common code here

function Prebuild ()
    # TODO Add code here

function Postbuild ()
    # TODO Add code here

# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------

function Run-BuildEventFunction($buildEventFunctionName)
    echo "--- Build event '$buildEventFunctionName' started ---"
        & $buildEventFunctionName
        echo "--- Build event '$buildEventFunctionName' completed normally ---"
        echo "--- Build event '$buildEventFunctionName' failed with exception ---"

# Call the event indicated by $Function
Run-BuildEventFunction $Function

Advanced: The script to generate buildevents.ps1

$scriptNameInProjectDir = "buildevents.ps1"

# This table is from
# Copy table and paste into Excel, then copy from Excel into text editor.
# (Copying straight from browser into the text editor doesn't give the tab-separated values needed here.)

$macroList = @'

$(ConfigurationName)	The name of the current project configuration, for example, "Debug".
$(OutDir)	Path to the output file directory, relative to the project directory. This resolves to the value for the Output Directory property. It includes the trailing backslash '\'.
$(DevEnvDir)	The installation directory of Visual Studio (defined with drive and path); includes the trailing backslash '\'.
$(PlatformName)	The name of the currently targeted platform. For example, "AnyCPU".
$(ProjectDir)	The directory of the project (defined with drive and path); includes the trailing backslash '\'.
$(ProjectPath)	The absolute path name of the project (defined with drive, path, base name, and file extension).
$(ProjectName)	The base name of the project.
$(ProjectFileName)	The file name of the project (defined with base name and file extension).
$(ProjectExt)	The file extension of the project. It includes the '.' before the file extension.
$(SolutionDir)	The directory of the solution (defined with drive and path); includes the trailing backslash '\'.
$(SolutionPath)	The absolute path name of the solution (defined with drive, path, base name, and file extension).
$(SolutionName)	The base name of the solution.
$(SolutionFileName)	The file name of the solution (defined with base name and file extension).
$(SolutionExt)	The file extension of the solution. It includes the '.' before the file extension.
$(TargetDir)	The directory of the primary output file for the build (defined with drive and path). It includes the trailing backslash '\'.
$(TargetPath)	The absolute path name of the primary output file for the build (defined with drive, path, base name, and file extension).
$(TargetName)	The base name of the primary output file for the build.
$(TargetFileName)	The file name of the primary output file for the build (defined as base name and file extension).
$(TargetExt)	The file extension of the primary output file for the build. It includes the '.' before the file extension.

function Get-BuildEventCommand ($buildEventFunctionName, $macroData)
    $commandStart = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass `"`&'`$(ProjectDir)$scriptNameInProjectDir'`""
    $macroNames = $macroData | foreach-object { $_.Name }
    $macrosAsArgs = $macroNames | foreach-object { "-$_ '`$($_)'" }
    #$commandMacroArgs = [string]::Join(" ", $macrosAsArgs)
    echo "$commandStart -Function $buildEventFunctionName $macrosAsArgs"

function Get-BuildEventCommandComment ($buildEventFunctionName, $macroData)
    echo "# For $buildEventFunctionName command, use:"
    echo "#   $(Get-BuildEventCommand $buildEventFunctionName $macroData)"
    echo ""

function Get-ParamList ($macroData)
    echo "param ("
    foreach($macro in $macroData) {
        echo "    [string]`$$($macro.Name), # $($macro.Description)"
    echo ""
    echo "    [string]`$Function # Name of the function to run"
    echo ")"
    echo ""

function Get-FunctionTemplate ($buildEventFunctionName)
    echo "function $buildEventFunctionName ()"
    echo "{"
    echo "    # TODO Add code here"
    echo "}"
    echo ""

function Parse-MacroLine ($line)
    $line = "$line"
    if ($line -match "^\$\((.+?)\)\t(.*?)$") {
        $result = @{
            Name = "$($matches[1])"
            Description = "$($matches[2])"
    else {

$macroLines = $([Regex]::Split($macroList,"\r\n|\r|\n")) | where { $_ -ne $null -and $_.Trim() -ne "" }

$macroData = $macroLines | foreach-object { Parse-MacroLine $_ } | where { $_ -ne $null }

$buildEventFunctionNames = "Prebuild", "Postbuild"

foreach($buildEventFunctionName in $buildEventFunctionNames) {
    Get-BuildEventCommandComment $buildEventFunctionName $macroData

Get-ParamList $macroData

echo "# TODO Add common code here"
echo ""

foreach($buildEventFunctionName in $buildEventFunctionNames) {
    Get-FunctionTemplate $buildEventFunctionName

echo @'
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------

function Run-BuildEventFunction($buildEventFunctionName)
    echo "--- Build event '$buildEventFunctionName' started ---"
        & $buildEventFunctionName
        echo "--- Build event '$buildEventFunctionName' completed normally ---"
        echo "--- Build event '$buildEventFunctionName' failed with exception ---"

# Call the event indicated by $Function
Run-BuildEventFunction $Function


PowerShell's search path for the Import-Module command is in the PSModulePath env var:

echo $env:PSModulePath

By default on one system it seems to be

  • a user modules dir at My Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
  • a global modules dir at system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\

PowerShell Community Extensions (pscx)

Get it from The directory structure in the ZIP file needs to be such that the path to Pscx.psm1 is


where Modules is one of the directories in $env:PSModulePath.
